Monday, August 27, 2012

New Outlook

I can't believe that I can go so long without writing on this blog.  So many times I create the perfect post in my mind, but I am away from my computer.  By the time that I get to sit in front of this thing to write down my thoughts, the ideas have escaped.  My new outlook for this is problem is to carry around a notebook and write down these thoughts.
Another new outlook is to organize my house and to get rid of unwanted and unused items.  I have way too much clutter in my house and I think this also makes my life unorganized.
The last new outlook actually started a few weeks back.  I have a friend who is helping me with my weight loss.  We take turns adding different elements to our weight program.  We started with fifteen minutes of exercise for a week and no potato chips.  The next week she added five more minutes to the workouts.  I got her the next week with no flour (this was an extreme challenge, but I made it and am still trying hard to keep this going).  My friend was not the happiest at the end of this week and she got me with adding more water drinking (I thought I would drown).  This week I added the extreme vowel and arm exercises.  I can't wait to see what she adds to our list.  This new outlook is making me feel better in more ways than just one.  I love having the challenge to see if I can do each new element.