Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jobs - Fantastic Five

Before I write about my last two jobs, I would like to comment at this time that I have dabbled in many other opportunities that are too diverse to give much notice.  I have been a consultant for plastic ware, cosmetics (three different companies), home interior products (two different companies), and have also done catering.  Needless to say, I did not make a fortune on any of these ventures, in fact I usually end up in the hole.
The last two jobs that I have had, I have totally loved.  I was working with the public and being challenged everyday to use my brain power and to complete some very hard tasks.  The trouble I had with these jobs ended up being management.  I am not one to complain about work problems, but it has gotten to the point that I am going to use this forum to help heal from my experiences and maybe put all of this behind me.
I worked as a bank teller for ten years.  The first eight were in a smaller branch and I loved the people that I worked with and the customers that I served.  After eight years I was given a promotion and moved to a new branch, which was a longer distance from my home.  I should have turned this down, stayed where I was, and kept doing what I was doing.  I know my life would have been a lot happier.
My new manager at this new branch, who was a woman and I had a man before, did great for the first nine months that I worked with her.  She was new as a manager and we were all learning together.  The problems started when she started taking credit for ideas and suggestions that I would make.  She then went to lying about things and finally did something so unbanklike that I ended up talking to the higher up administration about it.  Thinking that I was doing the right thing and that what I said would be confidential, I had no qualms about report this activity.  This became my downfall.  I was the one who ended up being the fall guy and everything that I had told the authorities was repeated to my manager.  The last two months that I worked for this bank was spent in agony.  I hated going to work.  I would actually park in an adjoining parking lot and sob because I did not want to go in and face this bitch.  Of course I did and with a smile on my face.  My mother suffered a stroke and I took this opportunity to quit to take care of her.
For three and a half years I took care of my mother.  I enjoyed this time with her, but it didn't pay the bills.
I was given the opportunity to work for a rental company where I became a property manager for over 200 apartments.  I LOVED THIS JOB and I was very good at it, if I must say so myself.  For 14 months I did the best job that I could do, got along with my coworkers, and had the best office in the world.  I was doing a lot of extra work at home to keep caught up, but didn't mind in the least because I LOVED MY JOB!  Unfortunately management did not feel the same about me.  Out of the blue, they told me that I was not working out and they no longer needed my services.  They said they had to down size and since I was the last one hired, I got the boot.  I have to tell you that it sucked the air right out of me, but I went out in style.  I think they wanted to see shock and awe and I showed them grace.  I went over everything that I was working on and left my office in perfect condition, which was a lot different than what I got when I started there.  I had organized the whole office and made many improvements that I am proud of.  I got news from one of my tenants after I left, who got my home phone number off the internet, that she was told that I left the job in such a mess that they couldn't get her new apartment ready.  At this bit of information, I called their attorney and informed him that if there was any more rumors spread like this that I would be taking them to court and I had enough proof to stick it to the company.  I probably should have done it anyway, but that is just not me.  I don't like people who lie and I especially do not like it when it is people in power who do. 
I am back taking care of my mom and enjoying my life.  I run into customers from both of these jobs from time to time and they all tell me how much they miss me and I miss them also.  I miss my coworkers too.  I made many good friends but I am ready for the next chapter of my life.  I would like to write a book or own a shop, but I don't know that either of these would give me the fortunes that I need.  I don't know what will happen, but I know that I will end up on my feet.  I have a husband and a family that love me no matter what and these are things that will never change. 
If you have hung in there for all of this, I tip my hat to you.  Once again, I wish you joy and happiness in your life.

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