Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Jobs Two

With the beginning of my high school years, I was lucky enough to start working for one of the two family owned restaurants in out home town.  They weren't very big, but they did a good business and served great home cooking.
The first restaurant, The Dinner Bell, was owned by an older couple and treated me like a grand daughter.  We had good times together and I worked for them close to two years.  When they decided that they were going to stop having the diner, they gave my name to the other restaurant in town and they in turn hired me on for the rest of my high school years.  This new couple had a son who was a grade lower than myself in school and we became good friends.
You meet all kinds of people while working in a small town diner.  Most of the customers were people who actually lived in the area.  But every once in awhile, we would get an out of towner and they always gave good tips.  I loved to talk to these people and find out where they were going or what they were doing. 
When I turned sixteen, I took on the next job in my life of girlfriend.  Mom and Dad always made us wait until then to start dating and to this day, I really feel like it is a wise choice.  My children had to wait also and I don't think any of them suffered. 
I had many boyfriends, and some of them I thought that I was in love with.  I didn't know real love until I met my husband, but that is for another posting.
Also at the age of sixteen I became a driver for my brothers and sisters.  My dad passed away before I ever got my license so I had to help with a lot of duties around the house with my younger siblings.  Mom was a mess for awhile, but she brought herself out of her depression and once again became the strong hold of the family.
All too soon, my high school days came to a close and I started my next job as a college student and room mate.  I moved into an all girls' dorm and never before had I know such different trials.  Even though I lived with six sisters, this was an adventure that I was not prepared.  Most of the girls were cut from the same fabric as myself, a couple were on the wild side, and there was one that was extremely strange.  We did a lot of hanging out together, but did make sure that we had enough time to get our studies completed.
Along with my college job, I also joined a sorority and worked for a short time at McDonald's.  Although both of these jobs had nothing in common, they turned out to be very much a like.  Both were fast paced, they both had people who thought that they were more important than they really were, and they both turned out to be something that I never want to do again.
Well, once again I have rambled on for way too long.  I will write more about my next era of jobs on the next posting.  Have a the day that you have!

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