Monday, September 13, 2010

Coffee or Tea

I have realized through the years that most people either like coffee or tea. But the majority of people do not like both. Now there are some who like iced coffee and not hot coffee and some that like ice tea and not hot tea. But it seems that most people like one or the other, just not both.
I personally can't even stand the smell of coffee, but I do enjoy my tea, hot or cold. There is nothing better than to curl up with a good book on a cold winter's day and enjoy a nice mug of hot tea. My husband on the other hand doesn't like to start a day without his cup of coffee. Actually he has to have two or three cups.
I have a neice who works for a national coffee chain. She gets free coffee and/or tea every month that she works. The only bad part of this is that she doesn't like either. Therefore the aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents benefit from her job. I love it when she shows up with my favorite kind of tea. I think I will stop this blog and go have a cup right now. Bottoms up!!!

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