Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Flying the American Flag

Flying the American Flag is a privilage and should be treated as such. I get so mad when I am driving down the road and see a flag that is flying in three different directions because it has been ripped apart by the wind and is in shreds. I also get upset to see that the colors are pink, purple, and cream instead of red, white, and blue. I have also been witness to some that are so ragged on the edge that they look like they have been carried into a hundred battles.
Now I know that it is impossible to buy a new flag every week, but if you are going to fly it all the time, be sure to keep it flying pretty. From my past experience I have found that the cheaper flags fall apart a lot faster. We have bought some for around ten dollars and they seem to last through a couple of seasons.
I do appreciate that people have the American Spirit and keeping the Grand Old Flag flying high. I just wish that they would take pride in that symbol of these great United States and make sure that it is a good looking flag for all to see.

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