Sunday, March 13, 2011


Some of you might think that I would eventually run out of things to write about. I have never been at a loss for words, written or spoken.
My grandma use to say that she could take any word and would know a song that had that word in it. She could do it too, as we would put her to the test very often. (I do miss that woman a lot!)
Well, unlike my grandmother, no one would want to have me sing for them. (Although I do like to sing all of the time.) I can however talk about anything that is brought up to me. Any word and I can talk about it.
For example, my grandson is sitting across from me and I just asked him for a word. He is six years old and he looked out the window and said "trees". So here is my topic on trees.
One of my favorite things on the face of the earth is trees. They provide shelter for many birds and animals. They grant me the comfort of their shade on a hot summer day.
I grace my home every year with a Christmas tree that I adore and think about all year until I replace the old memory of that tree with the sight and wonder of a new one.
But I think my favorite thing about a tree is the poem by Joyce Kilmer. "I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." From the moment I first heard that poem until this very day, that poem can make me tear up. It is wonderful how someone can put down just the right words to conjure up a picture in your mind that is as mighty as the subject.
So there you have it, I can write or converse about any subject. My dad use to call it the gift of gab. My siblings call it a bunch of bull. Whatever it is, I really do have it, like it or not. And I like it!

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