Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Beauty Shop

Each Thursday morning I take my mom to a local beauty shop to get her hair fixed. Each week there is the same group of ladies there that I have come to know and love. Each one is unique in their own way and are very special. Today I started to think about this relationship that we have created. Two years ago I didn't know any of them, including my mother. I have loved my mom since birth, but never really knew her. It has been a pleasure to get to know more about her and now this group of rag tag ladies at "the shop". If I had not quit my job, or had such a hard time finding another job, I wouldn't know any of them. In two years we have lost loved ones and comforted each other, lost weight and rejoiced in the victories, shown pictures of loved ones and loved pets, show our talents in what we create and what we can accomplish. The majority of these ladies are a lot older than I, but I look forward to hearing what they have been through in the previous week or what is happening in the world around us and what we think about it all. I know that things will change some day, but I thank God for letting me have had the chance to know someone that I might not have ever looked twice at while walking down the street. Look for a new friend in any of the different opportunities that life might give to you.

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