Monday, June 14, 2010

The Mower

I am always amazed at the difference between men and women. Not just their physical difference, but their mental ones also. Turn a woman loose in a shopping mall and she can spend hours not spending a dime, but looking at everything from purses and shoes to clothes and perfume. While at the same mall there is a man sitting, waiting, and totally bored out of his mind.
Then on the other hand, take a man to a lumber yard or a hardware store and they are in seventh heaven. Just mention power tools and they start to salivate. There isn't one made that they don't need.
But if you want to make a man completely happy, put him on a mower. The bigger the better, and if you throw in zero turn, you will have a hard time getting him to get off of the thing.
So, here is my message to all the ladies. When your guy is really starting to bug you, or you are tired of cleaning around him as he sits on the sofa, look out the window and mention that the grass looks a little too long. Or better still, go to the local service station and bring him home a can of gas. He will be so happy that he won't even notice you leaving to go to that mall to buy that cute little purse that you saw last week.

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