Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Storm

During the evening hours yesterday, my husband's fire fighter's monitor sounded an alert that there were approaching thunderstorms with a tornado watch until five o'clock in the morning. I am not a big fan of storms, especially nasty ones, so this was not thrilling news for me. My son's family is visiting for the weekend and I did not want to keep them up all night, but I wanted to be able to move them to safety if the need arose. So, I decided to stay awake until the crisis was over. At twelve thirty, the house was up, not for the storms, but because my three year old grandson got sick. After changing the bedding and getting everyone settled again, a huge storm came through. I was on the brink of getting the household back up when things seemed to calm down. I was just getting ready to head to bed, thinking the world was safe, when the monitor went off once more. I figured this was just an all clear signal, when to my amazement it stated that the alert was now until nine in the morning. My all night vigil seemed to be a never ending task. But thankfully, around four the radar started to clear and I felt like I could get some sleep. My deep slumber ended abrubtly when my other grandson, the one with the automatic clock set in his head, was up and ready to roll at seven. So I have just one question this morning, "Is it nap time yet?"

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