Friday, July 23, 2010


What a strange tradition we created when we, as a culture, decided to start viewing people when they die. I know you want to remember the loved one, but looking at someone when they can't look back just seems sort of strange.
I went to my first viewing and funeral when I was ten. I had nightmares for weeks, maybe even months, after that. I couldn't smell flowers for the longest time because it would remind me of my uncle lying in a casket.
The funeral and viewing that ended up staying in my mind, even to this day, the longest is my father's. It was so hard on my mom and if I had it to do over, we would not have had the viewing for two whole days and my mom would not have been left to sit up by the casket by herself while we, the children, sat in the first row of chairs ~ oldest to youngest. It was horrible watching her go through that.
So, I have planned my funeral. There won't be one. If someone wants to see me, they can come see me while I am able to laugh with them or kick them if I have the mind to do it, not while I am lying on my back with my hands folded across my chest. (Now that would be a sight.) I will allow my loved ones to see me before they turn me to ashes, but only anyone who has seen me sleeping.
I don't want a bunch of flowers. If someone wants to remember me with flowers, send a rose bush that way my family can plant it. I only want one one long stem rose, doesn't matter what color, sitting on a table. No pictures of me set up, but there can be family photos.
The best part of my funersl, I want people to bring a covered dish and have a party. They can sit around the campfire all night long and tell good stories about the crazy things that I did with my life. I hope that there is a lot of laughing involved with these. I do so love the sound of laughter.
I think that this sounds like a solid plan. It sounds a lot better than my one sister's who wants the top of her casket to be turned into a taco bar.

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