Thursday, July 8, 2010

Toilet Paper

Who ever invented toilet paper knew what they were doing. Why not create something that is forever going to be a neccessity by everyone? It is not something that you can reuse or recycle. It just gets flushed away and then you need more. I wish I could come up with an idea like this.
To think that shortly before I became potty trained, people were still using magazines and catalogs. Thank goodness that changed before I needed it. I had to, however, experience the out house until I was in the third grade when we updated the family home with indoor plumbing. Let me tell you that it is not fun to have to use the facilities outside when it is below zero and the freezing air zips through those holes or so hot that the smell alone could kill you.
But back to the paper issue, once again by the time I was old enough to run into the store for mom to get a package of toilet paper (trust me, in a family of fourteen you run to the store often for those items) it only cost twenty-five cents for a four pack. Then a brilliant late night host decided to come up with the toilet paper shortage and the price skyrocketed.
You can get all different kinds; two ply, quilted, extra soft, super strong, or really cheap and rough and any of them will usually get the job done. We used to be able to get them in colors, but that turned out to not be a good idea. Sometimes you can even find it in your oppossing football team's name. I personally always get a certain name brand.
You can either have it roll over the top or go down the back. I like the over the top because I feel like it is always ready. I am not sure that there is a right way or a wrong way to do this feat.
But the one thing that gets me about the whole toilet paper issue and my reason for writing about this subject is, "Why do people hate to change the rolls?" When the children were all at home, it always seemed like everytime I went to the bathroom the holder would be empty. I always blamed the boys for this for I knew my daughters would never let me down. I think I might owe my sons an apology. Now it is just my husband and myself in the home. We have two bathrooms and way too often there will only be just a sheet or two left. He doesn't dare use it all because he might be forced to change the thing. One day the culpret even had the nerve to write me a note on the roll to let me know that he had left me three sheets this time. He had to remove the roll from the holder to write on the toilet paper and the cardboard roll and then he put it back in place. Does anyone need a roommate?

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