Friday, August 6, 2010

Alarm Clocks

How annoying are alarm clocks? They seem to pick the worst possible moment to go off! How many times have you been in the middle of a great dream and then the blasted alarm goes off and destroys all the evidence of the fantastic images that were just present in your brain?
Or how about those times when you have had the most restless night's sleep that you have had in ages? You finally slip into that blessed deep slumber that you so desperately need and in what seems like just a few moments later, there goes that radio again or worse yet you have it set for the non-stop, irritating buzzer.
Oh, you can hit the snooze button, one - two - three times and pretend that it helps, but in the end it just makes you start the day behind.
It makes one wonder how the pioneers did it? I suppose that they had the sun to wake them, or the cows that would have needed milking. But according to my children, it was probably the rooster, like the one down the road at the Amish barn. The annoying one that crows endlessly waking up everyone camping out in our back yard. I guess we should be happy that our alarms don't sound like a crazed rooster or a cow with a full udder.

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