Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sleepless in Seatle?

I don't know if you have ever seen this movie, it is one of my favorites, but I wish I could find out where Tom Hanks got that orchestra that csme into his home to play that beautiful music when he couldn't sleep.
Last night was one of those sleepless nights for me. I could not get my mind to stop working. Okay, I know all the jokes, such as: "I never knew your mind worked in the first place!" or "What mind?" It was a very frustrating night.
I tried to read myself to sleep, it worked until I was just drifting off and smelt a skunk. Our dog, who kills any animal that happens to wonder onto our property, was sleeping outside and I was afraid he would tangle with the skunk. So, I jumped out of bed and called him in. After making sure that he hadn't already been sprayed, I tried to fall back to sleep but by now I was wide awake.
You know how it can be, I felt like "The Princess and the Pea". Even the smallest piece of lint felt like a bolder.
And then there is my husband! I don't think that man can hold still for a second. He runs in his sleep, he jerks more than a side of beef waiting to become Slim Jims, and he insists on sticking his arm under my pillow. Now to most people that may not sound like a big deal, but remember the pea reference above? Well, I swear that there was a tree trunk jammed up under my head. And then he is still jerking which makes his nails scratch across the sheet and it sounds like someone is scraping out the inside of my head.
So, here I am on a sunny Thursday afternoon feeling like my eyelids weigh ten pounds each. I am counting the hours until I can climb into my bed again tonight and that hopefully Tom Hanks' music will come floating in through my bedroom window and lull me to sleep.

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