Thursday, August 19, 2010


What wonderful creatures? I am a novice bird watcher, not sure what I am seeing, but I know that there are some really beautiful ones.
This morning as I was looking out my window, I saw a male and female cardinal. They were busy at the bird feeder, but the male, whose bright red feathers were almost blinding, kept a lookout for his mate while she was feeding. When they were done or he had sensed danger, he let out a cry and off they flew.
Saturday, while we were out on the lake, we saw a majestic bald eagle. What a wonderful sight, and one that you don't get to witness every day. At first he was perched up on a high tree branch and then he took off and soared over the lake. We all just stopped and watched the graceful moves of this glorious bird.
At the beauty shop where my mom gets her hair fixed is another sanctuary. She has blue birds who nest there. They put up special boxes for them and they come back year after year to raise their new young ones.
Also, she has one of the biggest collections of humming birds that I have ever seen. There is a bird feeder right outside the shop window and they seem to flock to it. One day while we were in the shop, one of the humming birds tried to come in the front door. He kept pecking at the window in the door, trying to figure out just how to accomplish this feat. I finally was thrilled when he gave up and decided that his appointment to get his feathers curled must have been at another time or day.
I love to see a blue jay with its distinct color, but I get very angry with it when it trys to rob the other birds' nests. I guess there are nasty breeds in every walk of life. But all in all, no matter what the variety of bird that it might be, I will always take the time to wonder at them and to be thankful for their presence.

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