Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School

Those words mean so much to so many. How can it be that the same three words can make some smile while others begin to cry?
In my daughter's family, her son - who will begin 3rd grade - does not want to even see back to school supplies. He is very content to just be at home enjoying the great outdoors and the pool. On the other hand, her twin daughters - who will begin kindergarden - are just too excited about starting out this new adventure that they will be embarking. They can't wait to strap on their backpacks filled with all of their new markers, crayons, and pencils. Now you would think that this would be the end of the emotions in this household, but my daughter, who happens to be a school teacher, is thrilled with the fact that they don't have to have day care anymore but at the same time she won't even let that six letter word (school) be said in her presence. She doesn't want to think about going back to work until the night before this tragedy happens.
All across this nation, some parents and students are happy about the prospect of that school bell ringing while others would prefer a never ending summer. My emotions are mixed. I personally don't like the idea of my oldest grandchild being in the third grade but I know that time marches on and with that age creeps up on us all. And then there is the fact that with the start of school comes the start of a new season. Fall is a wonderful time of the year, carving pumpkins and turkeys, playing and watching football, and leaves covering the ground. Yes, I can see where people can be happy and sad about the same thing. After all we are human!

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