Thursday, January 6, 2011

OH! What a day!

I stayed up way to late Tuesday night watching the Sugar Bowl game. I love College football and am going to be sad when the last bowl game of 2011 is played next Monday night. But Tuesday's game was great and I enjoyed every minute.
I remember turning out the light at 1:23 because I thought that was funny. Next thing I know it is 2:17 and the phone is ringing. It was my husband's brother and he was telling me that their house was on fire.
Of course we jumped up, got ready, and went to their home. We were there by 2:30 and found the house totally on fire. My sister-in-law was sitting in the EMS with the dog, so I went in to be with her. My husband went to be with his brother. Thank goodness everyone was okay.
We finally left the fire by 5:30, the firemen had it out, and we wanted to give the family time to collect their thoughts and comfort each other.
At day break, my husband and youngest son were on their way back over, and I followed a half hour later. We worked along side neighbors and church members trying to pull whatever we could from the rubble, hoping to find some of the life that had been put into the home. The house itself was a total loss, but we were able to find some treasures and hoped to give the family some of their memories back.
We finished up at dark, went to eat supper at one of the church member's homes, took some supplies to the Inn that my brother-in-law and family were going to stay, took another trip to storage, and headed for home and a much needed shower.
Now you would think that this had to be the end to a very busy day as it was now 8:30, but NO we got stop by a patrol car who thought that we were selling drugs. I know that we didn't look the best, and as for the smell - well maybe that is where the drugs came into view, but I can't think that the guy actually thought that my husband and I were drug dealers. It still makes me laugh! I am sure that the officer was more than ready to let us get on our way.
I do have to say that the shower that I took when I got home was one of the best that anyone has taken anywhere at anytime.
I am truly thankful for the safety of my extended family and know that it won't be long until they are in their new home. My brother-in-law doesn't know what woke him up, but we are pretty sure that it was God and thank Him for this miracle.
And although I am tired, I only have four more college football games until next fall. Guess who will be up watching the Go Big Daddy bowl game tonight?

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