Friday, January 21, 2011

Slipping and Sliding Away!

It is that time of year when not only cars on the road, but people walking, are slip slidiing away. They have been showing on TV different streets and roads that have caused many accidents because of the icy roads. The other day they showed a street that had to be closed down because of the fact that any car entering ended up sliding down the hill and piling up with either other cars or the light poles. It was sort of entertaining watching the different accidents, none of which were serious.
The other morning, one of our local interstates had to be closed down because there were too many accidents. They couldn't get to all of them and the accidents were causing accidents.
But, unfortunately it is also treacherous to walk on such icy conditions also. My sister fell on the ice and broke her leg. I fell yesterday on my Mom's ramp, but thankfully I didn't get hurt.
My cousin wrote to me on Facebook and shared her fall with me. She was opening the side, sliding door on her van. Her foot slipped on her ice covered driveway and it carried her under the van. She said that it was like being in slow motion because she held onto the door handle. She had a hard time getting back up since it was so icy. She ended up making a snow angel before it was all said and done.
I know that I worry about trying to get my mom in and out of the house when it is like this. I sure don't want to have her end up with a broken bone or two.
So on this Friday afternoon, with cold temperatures setting in and more snow on the horizon, be sure to take your time, not only driving but in walking, and have a safe and enjoyable few days.

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