Tuesday, February 15, 2011


My family is the best! They are always there for each other and in these times it is great to know that you have someone in your corner.
Yesterday was a long day for me, starting out in the dentist's chair for over two hours is not my idea way to begin any day but especially not Valentine's Day.
After this ordeal was over, I got the opportunity to spend some quality time with my mom. She is 85 and there are days when I can see sure signs of her slipping away from us. I am thrilled with each hour that I can spend with her. I do hear the same stories over and over but I laugh like it is the first time because hearing her laugh is one of my favorite things.
Later in the afternoon I had the privilege to watch two of my grandsons have their swim lesson. I was watching the three boys while their mom had a doctor's appointment. I left the one year old in the day care and everytime I went in to check on him, he would run up and hug my legs like it was the first time he had seen me in years. The two swimming would almost drown trying to wave to me or to give the thumbs up. It was too precious for words.
After getting them back to their house and doing homework, I put a movie on for the older ones, tucked the little one in bed, and left them in the hands of the babysitter who had come to relieve me.
Having a hour drive ahead of me, I started thinking about stopping at a fast food place for something for my husband and I for our supper. I wasn't going to get home until after nine so I didn't want anything to heavy. My cell phone rang and it was my son asking me to drop by his home on my way because he had fixed our meal. I am so glad that I taught my sons to cook. He had meatballs with his own homemade secret sauce and twice baked potatoes. What a treat and what a sweet son!
Life is good and I can't wait to see what today has in store.

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