Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lawn Ornaments

I really do not like many of the "fad" lawn ornaments that have been around for years. Do you remember the butt of the fat lady bending over in everyone's gardens? Or how about the little boy going to the bathroom? I have even seen that one on the back of some "red-necks'" pick-up trucks.
Then we got a little more sophisticated and started putting out cement geese dressed up differently daily depending on the weather. Gazing balls were also another big hit for many years. We had a visitor from another state who had never seen one of these balls before and was totally baffled by them. I didn't know for sure what to tell him other than they were called gazing balls and I wasn't sure what people gazed at when they looked at them.
I do have to admit that I have lawn ornaments. They are called trees and flowers. I also have grandchildren who on nice, warm sunny days run around the lawn and on cold, snowy days go sledding or skating. There are also the lawn ornaments around our fire pit any day of the year when we can get a campfire going to roast hot dogs and to make smores.
I feed my birds so I have a beautiful flock of them to brighten my lawn. And there are always the two dogs who love to sit on the porch or lie in the sun on the grass if it is warm enough.
So if you haven't anything to do this summer and would like to come sit with me and become a lawn ornament out by the pond, I will set out an extra lawn chair. Here's to the human kind of lawn ornaments!

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