Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I know that letter writing is going out of style, but I am putting in a request from my readers for a giant favor.
Today I witnessed my mother intently reading a junk mail letter. I realized that she is letter starved. She has so little in her life right now that was so busy and rich just a handful of years ago. All she does now is watch TV (shows that she doesn't always understand or is able to hear), working on her sewing, getting an occasional phone call, and her mail.
I started to think of the other elderly living in their own homes or in nursing facilities, that are going through the same thing. It makes me sad to realize that we are so busy with our own lives that we are forgetting the ones who need us the most.
There are also the men and women in our armed forces who are needing some messages from US. They are out there night and day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, protecting this great country. We always seem to remember them at Christmas, but let's not forget the fact that they are still away from the homes that they love all the time.
A letter or card only takes a forty-four cent stamp to mail, and for twenty-eight cents you can send a postcard. I know that it will take a little of your time, but in our busy days we should be able to take a few minutes to let someone, somewhere know that we care. Come on America, pick up those pens! Send a message to a loved one who needs to know what is going on in your world. I know I am writing a few letters tonight, and the very first one is going to my mom so that in a few days, when she opens her mail, she will have a real letter to read.

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