Monday, February 7, 2011


What a wonderful thing sleep can be, that is if you get enough of it. I love to sleep at night and when I have a bad night, it shows the next day.
It's very unsettling when people tell you that you look tired. That is something that you don't have to hear because you already know it and it doesn't help to know that someone can see it also.
I am also one that doesn't like to get up in the night. My husband on the other hand can get up several times at night and then fall right back to sleep. If I get up, I might as well stay up because I am done sleeping for the night.
My husband also can fall asleep while sitting in a chair watching TV. There is no way that I am going to take him to a movie because I pay $10 for him to get a nap.
Speaking of naps, why do children fight them and adults fight not to take one? Maybe if we just switch places at those times, let the children run the offices and we curl up on a nap mat, things might be different. I am sure they would be, there wouldn't be much of a world left. Most of the children wouldn't even know how to answer a phone let alone run a machine. I guess we better just get more sleep at night and enjoy those cat naps when we can fit one in.

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